Thrive is a novel complex care management program that supports Medicaid-insured individuals transitioning from hospital to home.
Explore more about Thrive:
Why do patients need Thrive?
Poor care coordination and a lack of communication pose barriers to recovery following hospitalization.
Thrive assists Medicaid-insured patients with complex social needs as they transition from hospital to home.
The Thrive complex care team addresses these care deficits by focusing on chronic disease management, wellbeing, and social care needs.

Care Management Team
The Thrive Care Management Team comprises health system and community-based partners including a Virtual Nurse Case Manager, Home Care Nurse, Social Worker, and Discharging Providers.
30-day Case Management Intervention
Thrive’s case management intervention assists Medicaid-insured patients in coping with chronic medical conditions and overcoming SDOH-related barriers following hospitalization.

How does Thrive’s Intervention work?
The most common social needs met include:

Connections to transportation

on wheels

health aides

Ordering medical

Connections to
mental health


Are you a case manager, social worker, hospital administrator or discharging staff?
Thrive begins during hospitalization. Our services support the discharging planning team in ensuring a smooth post hospital discharge transition.